- Several updates have just been made to the August calendar. Please check ASAP!
- The calendar dates for Uniform Fittings include a link to sign up for uniform fittings in the description. This information was also emailed to you. Please make sure you have signed up for a fitting. They are happening this week. - Please contact Mrs. Morgan regarding Cafe Riviera dinners during camp. Payment of $57 is due August 9 if you are participating. - Drill and Coordinate Sheets are now available here. - Drill Animation is now available here. Please note that there are two videos; one of the entire show, and another with a revised ending from Count 808 onwards. - You should already have your music, and should have been practicing and memorizing it. Staff expects you to be very comfortable playing your music by the time camp begins! We cannot post the music online this year, so you should have gotten printed copies from Mr. Romano. - Finally, please make sure any new members have signed up for the Google group. If not, please tell them to do so immediately, as they are missing lots of important info! Comments are closed.
August 2024