If you have not yet signed up for our Google email group and text alerts, you have been missing a LOT of important information. With Band Camp right around the corner, it is very important that you sign up NOW. In other words, if you are only receiving info from us on Facebook and/or Twitter, that is not enough. Those are public postings, but there is far more information that we only communicate privately via email and text.
It is YOUR responsibility to make sure you are receiving these important messages. Please follow the directions on our Communications Page to sign up for emails and texts. If you have signed up and are not receiving messages, please contact Mr. Mancuso for assistance. Guard - You have different uniforms. You do not need to sign up on this document for a fitting! You can STOP reading at this point and go do something fun.
Everyone else who needs a uniform - This year, we are doing fittings in the KHS band room on: Tuesday, July 31 from 6 pm to 8 pm Tuesday, August 7 from 6 pm to 8 pm (This is during Summer Rehearsal) Thursday, August 9 from 9 am To 12 pm (This is during Rookie Camp) Seniors, if at all possible, sign up for the July 31 fitting. The longer you wait to get fitted, the less likely your uniform will be a perfect fit as we run out of the more common sizes. If you have marching band shoes (even if you know they no longer fit), bring them to your fitting. If you do not have marching band shoes, don't worry! We'll take care of your shoe needs at the fitting. You cannot just show up! Please sign up at the following link: http://www.SignUpGenius.com/go/30E0545A9AA2FAB9-20181 Parents - We need your help! We need adults to: Check in the students and maintain records Pull uniforms for the kids to try on Help kids get sized for hats, gloves, and shoes Sew!!! We desperately need people who can sew a hem. If the pants are too long, we need people to pin and hem them on the spot. We try to hem all of the pants right there at the school, so if you have a portable sewing machine, please bring it, unless you love to sew by hand! Parents, If you can help, please sign up at this link: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0545a9aa2fab9-2018 Camp will be held at New Garden Elementary School from Monday, August 13th thru Friday, August 24th.
This presents a challenge for some of our families, as students do not have the ability to walk anywhere to get meals. Please note the change of dates from prior years. This years dinners will be provided Monday through Friday. Below you will find the nights that meals are being offered (this covers all of the nights that we have 8 AM-8 PM band camp) as well as the menu. Meals cost $12/day, and you must subscribe to all 5 days in order to participate. EVERYONE MUST RESPOND TO THE SURVEY MONKEY BELOW EVEN IF YOU DO NOT INTEND TO ORDER THE MEALS! WE ARE ALSO USING THE SURVEY MONKEY TO OBTAIN YOUR CHILDS T-SHIRT SIZE AND VERIFY CONTACT INFORMATION! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2QK3VQK Monday, August 13th: Salad, breadsticks, lasagna, pizza twists, fresh fruit, lemonade and water. Tuesday, August 14th: Salad, breadsticks, macaroni and cheese, meatballs, fresh fruit, pizza twists, water and lemonade. Wednesday, August 15th: Salad, breadsticks, chicken parmesan, ziti with tomato sauce, fresh fruit, pizza twists, water and lemonade. Thursday, August 16th: Salad, breadsticks, meatloaf and gravy, roasted potatoes, vegetables, fresh fruit, pizza twists, lemonade and water. Friday August 17th—Salad, breadsticks, lasagna, pizza twists, fresh fruit, lemonade and water. Vegetarian and gluten/dairy free options are available, but we must know that you need a special meal beforehand! In order for this to happen, we need at least 55 students to participate for all five nights, at a total cost of $60 ($12 a day) To clarify, this is not a fundraiser of any sort. We are offering this service to make life easier for you! I need a commitment from all interested parties by Monday August 6th. If we have 55 interested students, I will ask you to send a check with your student on the first day of band camp made out to Friends of Music. If we do not have 55 interested students, I will let the group know that via email. Please note that the dates for Rookie Camp have changed. Rookie Camp will take place on Thursday, August 9 and Friday, August 10 from 8 AM to Noon at New Garden Elementary.
All new marching members are expected to attend; Pit Ensemble is exempt. We understand that this is a change from the previously published calendar. If you know that you have a conflict on Friday, please email Mrs. Mancuso at [email protected]. This is a reminder that our Google Groups email list remains our primary form of communication, and we need all members and their families to be subscribed. The content posted via email is much more detailed than what we can push out with texts.
Please follow the directions on our Communications page to get signed up. |
August 2024