Greetings (again),
The following forms are to be completed by parents or guardians unless the participating member is over 18. Both forms must be completed by May 19th to finalize commitment to the 2023 Marching Season. 2023 Marching Band Contact Information (Medical Form) Financial Agreement Form Mr. Whisler This form is to be completed by MEMBERS ONLY, please do not complete this form if you are a parent/guardian or former member. The form is an acknowledgement of the 2023 Kennett High School Marching Blue Demons Handbook. The current edition (v042823) of the handbook is attached to this email. The Participation Agreement must be completed by May 19th. Failure to do so may exclude you from participating in the 2023 Competitive Marching Season. The Financial Responsibility Agreement Form and Medical Form TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENTS/GUARDIANS will be sent out later today. Congratulations to the new student leaders of the Marching Blue Demons! Their term will begin on June 1st, 2023 Please send an email to subscribe to our news group (
To unsubscribe, replace "subscribe" with "unsubscribe" Greetings Parents and Students,
Thank you again for your patience while I sort out some significant details for the 2023 marching season. Due to issues related entirely to technology, we cannot have our 2023 Launch Meeting tomorrow night (Thursday, April 13th). Instead, we will be meeting in the KHS auditorium on Monday, April 17th from 7pm to 8pm. I tried to push later into week, unfortunately there are just too many conflicts on the KCSD calendar. This meeting is for for both students and parents. Please attend the meeting if you are available. If you are not available you must contact me on Discord or via email (awhisler@...). Topics: 7:00-7:40 KHS Auditorium with Mr. Whisler
August 2024