8:00 AM - Report to KHS
10:00 AM - Parade steps off from KHS 11:30 AM Approx - KHS and Unionville bands combine to play the National Anthem for the graveside memorial service at the cemetery on Rt 82 across from the KAU baseball fields. 12:15 PM - Approx arrival back to KHS. On Monday May 8th we will be having Marching Band Spring Training at KHS from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. This is for all new members, regardless of grade. It is also for members who may be switching from a non-marching section (pit) to a marching section (hornline / drumline / guard.) Members changing from one wind instrument to another who have previously marched do not need to attend.
Please check your KMB email for further details. |
August 2024