This is from our amazing FoM Secretary and Uniform Fitting Specialist Jody Huber and her son Cory: Hey Band! It's time to get your uniforms! Please use the sign-up link to select a time for fitting. Below are some specifics: Fittings will take place in the KHS band room. Please arrive at your fitting time wearing clothing that will easily fit under your uniform (shorts and a t-shirt are great). You do not need to bring your shoes. If you need shoes, we will fit you for them during your fitting. Colorguard: Guard does not need to attend any fittings. Your uniforms are ordered separately. Leadership and Seniors: Please try to sign up for the first week of fittings. We will take your pictures at this time for the program and senior night. If you can't attend a fitting that first week, please reach out to Cory as soon as possible so that we can provide an alternative. Please reach out directly as soon as possible (info below) if you are not able to attend any of these fitting times! We will not be doing fittings during band camp this year. If you have any questions about uniforms or fittings, please feel free to reach out Jody Huber (Cory's mom) 610-506-2681 for text and [email protected] for email.
August 2024