Due to the impending weather, Saturday's competition at West Chester East HS has been CANCELLED.
At this moment (as of 12:00 on Friday) we are going to West Chester East. I will know for 100% at 3:00pm today. I'm releasing this schedule for your planning purposes.
NO REHEARSAL on Saturday. It is supposed to rain until 2pm in Kennett tomorrow. We will not be rehearsing in the cold rain before we go to a competition. All students are required to bring KHS issued rain jackets. If it's raining for the performance we will not be using plumes, electronics (microphones, pianos, etc.), or props. I will make this decision after we arrive at West Chester East. With the current forecast, there is a lot of variability. Arrival 2:30 EPL - Please be sure to swing by the band room for a band jacket. EVERYONE needs a raincoat for Saturday. - Also, if you purchased dinner food will be available. If you did not, please plan to eat at Landhope or pack something. - Silver horns need to be polished - All members are required to be in halves. The undershirt DOES NOT need to be the new long-sleeve shirts. Please reserve those shirts for football games. - Guard has 1h 30min to do hair and makeup. Considering the weather looks wet, let's go with black pants and blue shirts. This will be the last competition in pep band gear, enjoy it while it lasts lol - Front Ensemble needs to make sure EVERYTHING is tarped in the trailer. The tarps will also be traveling with us during warmup. 4:00 Depart for West Chester East 4:30/5:00 Arrive at West Chester East - restroom, unload, prestage props, dress into full uniform, etc. - BRING CASH FOR FOOD, we will not be returning to the buses to change and come back to the stadium (see the agenda) 6:00 Warmup Time - 6:00 Sectionals - 6:35 Ensemble 6:50 Front Ensemble Moves 6:55 Hornline/Drumline/Guard moves 7:00 Retrieve props at the gate 7:05 Gate 7:15 Performance 7:30 After the performance we will not be returning to the truck, we are one of the last bands to perform and West Chester East performs at 7:45 8:00 Awards - during awards you will have time to get something to eat before we return to the buses. 10:00 Arrive at Kennett High School Fantastic job last night! A special shoutout to the Roadies. You look great in your shirts, and we greatly appreciated your help! We need all the help we can get at competitions. Another special should out to the student leadership! Our Drum Major, Captains, and Section Leaders were absolutely on it this weekend. We went to an away football game and competition, and due to their dedication, leadership, organization, and overall service; both events went very smoothly, and we had fun in the process!
Please check out the video, the band earned a 75 at our first competition. We have a ton of work to do and I'm so proud of how this production is continuing to develop. youtu.be/-JHeOXlqA2Q Monday, September 26th NO REHEARSAL Wednesday, September 28th Rehearsal in the Stadium (please bring hats, you do not need jackets) PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME. As the season is progress people are showing up closer and closer to being marked late. If you are late, you will lose credit. Extra credit can be earned by running laps or cleaning the field. The laps and cleaning will be available the SAME day. If you arrive late, have no excuse, and chose not to go for extra credit; your grade will change due to no following directions. Arrive: 5:40 to 5:50 6:00 IN THE STADIUM IN SECTIONALS: review the scores and talk about the commentary. - Guard on the track - Hornline on the track - Drumline by the shack - Front Ensemble in the shed 6:30 Front Ensemble / Color Guard / Drumline on the field for Part 1 and Part 2 cleaning. This will be to emphasize front to back alignment, drill clarity, and individual responsibilities. - Hornline will be on the track to detail ALL of the visuals in Part 1 and Part 2 7:30 Ensemble Part 1 and Part 2 8:10 Practice on an off the field (we need to do this) 8:30 Dismissal (AND T-SHIRT DISTRIBUTION!!) 8:40 Lights Out Friday, September 30th Away game at Interboro High School This will be a Full Uniform (black t-shirts) Pep Band experience and it will be entirely optional; we will talk about it later. Color Guard attending the event should wear all black (show shirt, black pants, etc.) Please attend if you feel comfortable. If you do not feel comfortable attending an away game in an unfamiliar stadium, please stay home. Interboro is a unique situation, and their team is pretty bad this year. This could be a really fun game; it just has a lot of unknown factors. 3:00 EPL 4:00 Depart 5:30 Arrive at Interboro High School 6:00 Work on a few new Pep Tunes in the stadium (Fat Bottom Girls, Don't Stop Me Now, Mars, and Crazy Train) 7:05 Football 3rd Quarter: Eat and Socialize on OUR SIDE OF THE STADIUM. If you go anywhere, you go as a group. 4th Quarter Football 9:30 Pack and Load 10:45 Arrive at Kennett Saturday, OCTOBER 1st Competition at West Chester East 450 Ellis Ln, West Chester, PA 19380 Arrive 11:40-11:50 12:00 to 2:30 Rehearse on DO Field or Stadium (I need to check) 2:30 EPL 3:45 Possible BBQ (we shall see) 4:00 Depart from Kennett High School 5:00 Arrive at West Chester East - Unload, Move Props, Use Restrooms, etc. 6:00 Warmup Time - 6:00 Sectionals - 6:35 Ensemble 6:50 Front Ensemble moves 6:55 Everyone else moves to gate 7:05 Gate 7:15 Performance (under the lights!) 8:00 Awards 10:00 Arrive at Kennett High School This is long overdue and very anticipated. Downingtown had to adjust the schedule due to the addition of another Patriot band which changed the overall schedule. I was also waiting to hear back about logistics. Now that I have answers, here is the schedule for Saturday. The schedule for West Chester East (next Saturday) will be released on Sunday, September 25th.
Downingtown High Schools 2022 Music In Motion Show Downingtown West Campus/Kottmeyer Stadium 455 Manor Avenue Downingtown, PA 19335 September 24, 2022 Show begins at 4:30 PM Schedule 11:50am Report to DO Field for Rehearsal (no front ensemble) 12:00 Rehearse on DO Field 1:15 EPL (possible BBQ, I don't know. If not this time, hopefully next week) 2:00 Depart for Downingtown Stadium 3:00 Arrive at Downingtown - Prestage Props - Members use the restrooms - Unload the equipment 3:50 Move to Warm Up Area (Location D) 4:00 Stretch and Visual Warm-Up 4:15 Music Warm-Up, color guard will focus on show work 4:30 Ensemble standstill performance of the show with the front ensemble 4:45 Front Ensemble moves to stadium (it's a long ride, we will train the way there. It's offroad for a bit.) 4:55 Everyone else moves to gate 5:05 Arrive at Gate 5:15 Performance Time 6:00 Pack and Change (BRING SOMETHING TO CHANGE INTO, check the weather it might be chilly) 6:30 Return to the Stadium (YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO RETURN TO THE BUSES, if you forget your money, you go hungry.) - The Open Class bands start performing at 7:00. I highly recommend taking the time to watch their performances. 9:00 YOU MUST BE IN OUR BLEACHERS for Downingtown East, Downingtown West, and WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY!! 10:00 Depart from Downingtown 10:45 Arrive at Kennett High School Monday, September 19th
Rehearsal from 6:00 to 8:30 in the stadium. We will be cleaning Part 1 and Part 2. Monday will be the last time we visit Part 1, staff will be assessing progress and students will be earning a mid-term grade for their performance of Part 1 and Part 2 on Friday, September 23rd. Arrive between 5:40 and 5:50 (this needs to improve, show up late and lose points) 6:00 to 6:45 Warm-Up and Basics in Sectionals - Drumline will be joining Hornline for Basics - Color Guard will be with Natalie, Ava, and Jenn. 6:50 Clean Part 2 (set by set again) 7:30 Clean Part 1 8:10 Practice on and off for Friday and Saturday, run the show (Part 1 and Part 2) three times. Wednesday, September 21st Rehearsal from 6:00 to 8:30 Arrive between 5:40 and 5:50 (this needs to improve, show up late and lose points) 6:00 to 6:45 Run the show until we run out of light on the DISTRICT OFFICE FIELD without the Front Ensemble - Front Ensemble will report to the stadium and work from the stadium - Everyone else, report to the DO Field by 6:00, football should be off shortly after. 6:45 to 8:30 Sectional Time and Dismiss from Sectionals - Color Guard will find somewhere with lights - Hornline will spend 6:45 to 7:15 tracking Part 1 and Part 2 in the parking lot. From 7:15 to 8:30 Hornline will work on memorizing and improving Part 3 and the warm-up. This time should be spent in subsections, followed by whole group in the band room. Woodwinds will be in the chorus room, brass will be in the band room. - Drumline will head to the stadium to do a percussion only rehearsal by the shed. Friday, September 23rd Football at Downingtown West (yes, we are going and yes, we are performing our show during halftime) Campbell Dr, Downingtown, PA 19335 This is the first time we are taking the show on the road this season. Lots to do. 3:00 to 4:00 Pack-Load-Eat (shine instruments, take inventory, upperclassman and section leaders check EVERYONE for equipment and uniform parts, etc) 4:30 Load the Buses (you will be traveling in halves (sparkle shirt, pants, shoes)) we will put everything else on when we head to the stands at Downingtown. Please travel with your garment bag and hat box. 5:30 Arrive at Downingtown - Unload everything and move equipment to the stadium in halves 6:15 Front Ensemble equipment will be pre-staged on the track, everyone else will head to our designated location. 6:30 (ish) as pre our new guidelines we will be watching Downingtown West perform from the away bleachers 1st Quarter: Pep Band 2nd Quarter with 10:00 Remaining Warm-Up - 10:00 remaining head to the track - 4:00 remaining full ensemble will meet together to perform through parts of 1 and 2 - 1:00 remaining we will pre-stage for halftime Halftime we perform half of "Mercury Rising" for Downingtown. (This is your midseason assessment, Part 1 and Part 2 need to be good to go) During the performance we will have lots of administration present from both sides. If anything happens, there will be consequences. Downingtown is typically a nice venue and the 200+ member band will be very excited to watch our show! 3rd Quarter until 2:00 remaining - Eat, socialize with the other band, TRAVEL IN SMALL GROUPS (no one travels alone and is every supposed to travel alone). If you are traveling alone and it isn't an emergency, I will assume you are not following directions and it will impact your grade for the evening. There will be lots of staff around the concession stand. When you get your food, you should head closer to our side of the stadium, please don't linger on the Downingtown side. ANY ISSUES, please reach me on Discord and search for a faculty member from either Kennett or Downingtown. 4th Quarter Pep Band 9:30 End of Game 10:00ish Depart Downingtown 10:45ish Arrive at Kennett High School 11:15 Dismissal (we have a lot of stuff to put away) Details about the competition on Saturday, September 24th are coming very soon... Monday, September 12th
The weather isn't going to cooperate. We have "thunderstorm" from 5:30pm to 4:00am Color Guard and Front Ensemble will be excused from this evening. Color Guard and Front Ensemble, please review your work and music for Part 1 and Part 2. We will be spending a ton of time on part 1 and part 2 on Wednesday. 5:45-5:50 Arrival 6:00 Sectional Time - Drumline Report to Auditorium - Hornline Report to Band Room for visuals for Part 1 and 2 and music for Part 3 and the warm-up. 7:45 Run Part 3 with Drumline in Auditorium 8:10 Run Part 1 and Part 2 8:30 Dismissal 8:40 Lights out Wednesday, September 14th The weather is supposed to be amazing. Drumline and Hornline need to bring their uniform jackets and hats for the visual portion of the rehearsal. 5:45-5:50 Arrive 6:00 Sectional Time - Hornline on the track - Drumline by the shack - Front Ensemble on back sideline 6:30 Visual Rehearsal of Part 2 with review of Part 1 7:15 Add Front Ensemble to Visual Rehearsal. Front Ensemble and Drumline will play, everyone else will count quietly. 7:50 Practice getting on and off the field 8:00 We will run Part 1 and Part 2 three times. 8:30 Dismissal 8:40 Lights out Friday, September 16th Home Football vs. Rustin 3:30 OPTIONAL (we need a headcount) Family Dinner (Senior Feast) the seniors will be feeding the band. 4:30 Prepare for Performance (polish instruments, check uniform parts, etc.) 5:00 Head to the stadium to preset equipment, personal belongings, and music in the stands. - if you are arriving later, you must be in the stadium by 5:00, I will be checking attendance. 5:30 Warm-Up (this is how we will be warming up from now on) - Drumline outside of the stadium, your choice - Hornline on the track (split at first) - Guard on the track 6:15 We will run anything odd from the Wednesday rehearsal, not the whole show. 6:25 Gather in the End Zone (Hornline will play the shorter warmup) 6:30 Call the band to attention 6:35 Perform the show (Part 1 and Part 2) 6:50 Color Guard and Front Ensemble head off the field (FE to shed, guard to stands) 7:00 Old Kennett and Anthem from the field Halftime: Rustin's band will perform 9:30 Estimated end of game 10:00 Pick-Up Week 4 (short week)
Wednesday, September 7th Rehearsal 6:00-8:30 Clean Part 1 and Part 2, add mellophone to the show Friday, September 9th Football Game - AWAY Henderson High School (400 Montgomery Ave, West Chester, PA 19380) This is a Pep Band event, we will not be performing the show due to Henderson's stadium access. No family dinner for away games, bring a snack or money for a pricy trip to Landhope. 3:00 Prep for Away Game 4:30 Load Box Truck 5:00 Depart for Henderson 5:45/6:00 Arrive at Henderson 7:05 Kick-Off Half-Time: watch Henderson High School perform 9:45 Load the Box Truck 10:00 Depart for Kennett 10:45 Arrive at Kennett High School for Pick-Up Week 5 Monday, September 12th Rehearsal from 6:00 - 8:30 Review and Reinforce H-I-J in Part 3 Wednesday, September 14th Rehearsal from 6:00 - 8:30 You must bring your uniform jackets and hats, you will be permitted to store your uniform in the small ensemble room until the game on Friday. Rehearse Part 1, Part 2, and H-I-J of Part 3 Friday, September 16th Home Game vs. Rustin We will be performing our show in full uniform. Senior Feast! (Family Dinner will be prepared and served by the seniors) We need a headcount this time and cash will be collected on Wednesday. 4:30 Prepare for Show - Drumline: Move equipment to stadium and head to warm-up in full uniform - Hornline: Upperclassman show rookies how to polish their horns, move to warm-up in full uniform at 5:00 - Color Guard: if they are here, full uniform and makeup by 5:00. In the stadium for warm-up at 5:30. - Front Ensemble: move equipment, change into full uniform in the shed, warm-up on track at 6:00 6:30 Premiere of "Mercury Rising" in full uniform - After performance we need to move props and return front ensemble equipment to the shed. 7:00 "Old Kennett" and "Star Spangled Banner" in full uniform from the field. 7:05 Kick-Off 1st Quarter and 2nd Quarter: Pep Band Halftime Rustin High School will perform 3rd Quarter: OFF 4th Quarter: "Hey Song" at the end of the 3rd Quarter (start making your way back with 2:00 remaining on the clock) 9:45 Twos on the track 10:00 Pick-Up |
August 2024