Monday, 8/26
Rehearsal 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Wednesday, 8/28 Rehearsal 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Friday, 8/30 Home Game vs. Chichester Report time and details TBA The week ahead is some ugly, UGLY weather on Mon, Tues, Wed - High temps in the 90's with 30-40% chance of thunderstorms on Tues/Wed. Be ready for anything! And HYDRATE. All weekend. HYDRATE. Bring water for the 90+ temps. Bring hats. Bring sunscreen.
Schedule for the week looks like this: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday* 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM: Block 1 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Snack 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Block 2 *Wednesday night at the end of practice - Battery, Tubas, and any hornline that wants to: Load instruments into white box truck. Bring a snack. There are no more Cafe Riviera dinners. Eat some real food before showing up to KMS, bring some snack options, eat again after practice. Thursday AM Report time to !!!!KHS!!!! is still TBA Hornline & Drumline only - guard and pit get the morning off This performance is in full uniform minus your hat/plume/gloves. From the bottom up, we are looking at: Shoes, Socks, uniform pants, uniform jacket. After performance, everything gets loaded back on to the box truck. Thursday PM Preview Show at KMS!!! 4:00 - 5:15 Block 1 5:15 - 5:30 Break, distribute and change into band shirts, set field for performance 5:30 - 6:05 Warmup like we would for a show 6:05 - move to "gate" 6:10 - "gate" 6:15 - Instinct 6:30 - post show we need to break camp. Scaffolding comes down, trailers are loaded, box truck and truck 110 get loaded to move back to KHS PICNIC!!! Friday Rehearsal at KHS 8:00 AM - 12:00 Block 1 in stadium. Meet in Band room first. 12:00 - 12:45 Lunch 12:45 - 3:00 PM Block 2 in stadium 3:00 - 5:45 - EPL (Eat, Pack, Load) - this is a flex time where students can use it to eat, polish horns, get equipment ready, move hardware or props to the stadium, etc. For this game it is more time than we would normally give. Staff will remain in the building through this entire time. As we will already be in the stadium most everything we will need will be up there. Students need not stay at KHS through this time but are welcome to if they wish. 5:45 PM - Report - uniform is 2019 band shirt, shorts, athletic shoes, hats, sunglasses as needed 6:00 PM - warm up in stadium 6:40 PM - "gate" 6:42 PM - Instinct - KHS plays Pregame this week - post show move to bleachers 6:56 PM - National Anthem 7:00 PM - Kickoff 8:10 PM - Approx - Oxford band plays halftime 9:00 PM - Approx - end of game Post game - return equipment to proper places (possibly shed.) The Preview Show and BBQ Dinner will take place on Thursday, August 22 at 6 PM.
Please sign up here. We appreciate your support! Please submit your Medical Info / Field Trip Permission Form. This MUST be done before camp begins next week. Please complete the Band Camp Dinners Form, even if you are not buying. ALL members must respond. Are you signed up for our emails? With Band Camp just a few days away, we want to be sure everyone is signed up to receive all of the information they need.
Email signup is mandatory for all members and their families. This is how we communicate the bulk of our information, especially for long form statements and/or things that would not be appropriate for posting publicly on a website or social media. If you are not signed up for our emails, you are missing the majority of the important info we send out. We also recommend you sign up for text message alerts, follow our announcement blog on our website, and also follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Directions on how to receive all of our communications may be found here. Tuesday, August 6
6-8 PM: Practice and Camp Load Out Thursday, August 8 and Friday, August 9 9 AM - Noon: ROOKIE CAMP at KENNETT MIDDLE SCHOOL This is for all new marching members. See your email for further details. Other important things: Please submit your Medical Info / Field Trip Permission Form. This MUST be done before camp begins next week. Please complete the Band Camp Dinners Form, even if you are not buying. ALL members must respond. Please sign up for a Uniform Fitting if you have not already done so. Guard does not attend these fittings. Parents: There are still a few volunteer spots open. You can find new Stand Tunes and Horn Line warmups on our Sheet Music & Drill Sheets page.
See your email for more details. The Medical Info and Travel Permission Form is required for all members, and must be completed before camp begins on August 12.
This year, we will be collecting this information electronically. You may find English and Spanish versions of the form on our Membership Documents page. Please see your email for more details. |
August 2024