Homecoming Game vs. Octorara
Octorara only brings a pep band and only plays in the stands. KHS performs halftime. 12:45 PM - Dismissal for Pep Rally - Band Tshirts/Sweatshirts/band jackets if cold outside. 8th/9th period - Pep Rally 5:00 PM - Report/set stadium/polish horns etc... 5:30 PM - Uniforms 5:40 PM - Parade Line up 6:00 PM - Parade Step Off 6:45 PM - In Stands 6:57 PM - National Anthem 7:00 PM - Kickoff KHS plays halftime You may decorate your instruments, hats, uniforms for the pep rally and parade. We ask that it is non-permanent and non-destructive. Go ahead and show your spirit in responsible ways. We ask that any such decorations be removed before we play our show at halftime. Post show - the pit, backdrops, guard, and seesaw will clear the field. Hornline/drumline will remain on field and form an arc as the backdrop for the homecoming court. Comments are closed.
August 2024